While we might believe that life is a linear journey, for most of us, it is a circuitous event. There are hills, valleys, twists and turns, set backs and leaps forward. There are the ‘plum’ experiences, and then, there are the ‘lemons.’ We love the delicious plums, don’t we? Sweet and juicy! They’re easy to…

NOT invited to the Inaugural Luncheon in celebration of the swearing-in of our great nation’s 44th President? Don’t feel bad! As it turns out the meal that they are serving, is NOT Our Lady of Weight Loss approved. Oh sure, I realize that it is an important occasion; more than important – an historic occasion!…

As we approach a most significant mile-stone in our great nation’s history … as we witness the swearing in of our first African-American President … let us reflect on one of the most famous phrases in the United States Declaration of Independence. “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” – three aspects that are listed…

This morning this Beliefnet WEIGHT LOSS GURU got on the Scales of Injustice and weighed-in 3 pounds UP for no reason. I SWEAR!!! Truly, no reason … And even though, I know that there is no real reason for this to be happening. (Let me say it again, truly no real reason. I’ve had a…

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