Oh Me, Oh My! “IT” came out of NOWHERE … I was feeling absolutely fine one moment and the very next I was overcome with aches, pains, fever, stuffy nose, cough! And I couldn’t remember if I was supposed to feed ‘it’ or starve ‘it.’ So, I crawled into bed with my laptop and a…

At the beginning of the month, when Oprah launched her ‘personal weight loss series,’ I queried my posse – a.k.a. members of the infamous and fabulous Our Lady of Weight Loss’s KICK in the TUSH CLUB – and asked if they had any words of wisdom, comments, thoughts that they would like to share with…

While working on this portrait of Oprah, it took on a life of its own … … and somehow or another Marilyn Monroe and Jackie O., both tragic figures in their own way, showed up on the ‘canvas.’ The connection? I think it’s tragic that women hang their self-esteem on their weight. Yes, I did…

Janice Taylor, 50-Pound BIG-TIME-LOSER, Life & Happiness Coach presents The Golden Globes of Weight Loss!!! Please be sure to click on the various video links before voting, so that you can best make an informed choice. Then cast your vote for: Best Weight Loss Performance of the Year!!! The nominees for Best Weight Loss Performance…

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