There are the SMARTEST Goals. And THEN … … and only THEN … there are SMART-ASS Goals. I thought that now might be a good time to revisit goal setting! After all, it is a New Year, and while I don’t necessarily believe in resolutions, since we rarely stick to them, I do believe that…

If you’ve been following the “Oprah Weight Gain, 200 Pounds of Pure Love Series,” then you know that Bob Greene, Oprah’s personal weight loss guru (who – to my knowledge – has not personally experienced the battle of the bulge) is leading a ‘weight loss/best life‘ webinar on Monday night. He has put forth his…

ACCOUNTABILITY POWER: One of the most powerful principles you can follow in your quest to be the best you ever (as if you’re not good enough already?????) is to follow the Laws of Accountability. Accountability will keep you on track! Just knowing that someone is going to ask you about your progress with your weight…

Dear Oprah, I am excited that you are launching your “Best Life” series this week. I have ‘inked’ your various shows and webinars on my calendar and plan to have pen and paper at hand to take notes. I am going to practice ‘authentic listening’ (a learned skill) and take notes from the perspective of…

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