I received an email from a member of the Kick in the Tush Club, who greatly suffers when at social functions. Parties and gatherings bring forth extreme feelings of discomfort. In order to feel better, she eats. And sometimes she eats some more. I thought I would share her letter here, because I know she’s…

Yes, friends, it’s time for the SMA. Seasonal Music Award – something I created just this minute (if it already exists … please don’t tell me; let me enjoy the glory of believing that I had an original thought).In honor of Chanukah, today’s SMA : Seasonal Music Award goes to… drum roll please!Hanukkah in Santa…

Birthday of the Unconquered Sun by Janice Taylor I was chatting with a few of my weight loss clients about the holiday season. Inquiring, of course, how they were going to celebrate their holiday, whether it be Christmas, or Chanukah, or Kwanzaa or the New Year. Perhaps Festivus? One word led to another and the…

Yesterday was one of those days. At approximately 7:30 a.m. my 92 year-young mother, Harriet, called me and said, “I’m going to the hospital in about twenty minutes. I called the super to take me; I’m not up to driving myself. He’s taking his kids to school first, and then he’ll come and get me.”…

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