Under Attack!! Rude Remarks that Ruffle My Feathers by Janice Taylor Every so often, someone says something to me about my newly found thinness that is upsetting and sends me reeling. (Yes, it’s been seven years since I permanently removed over 50 pounds, but it still feels newly found. Until I have lived more years…

Recession or No Recession, You Still Gotta Eat! by Janice Taylor As the news of the recession hits hard and food prices continue to climb, some of us are worried that we may not be able to feed our families in a healthy manner. Our Lady of Weight Loss to the rescue! Before you head…

13 Small and Easy Steps that Will Get YOU Back on the Wagon NOW Do NOT Give Up! I promise you that it is totally okay that you overate this weekend. After all, one weekend doth not a fat person make. This is a time to chant our mantra, All Is Forgiven, Move On! Good.…

Today’s ‘Get Jiggy’ jigsaw Our Lady of Weight Loss puzzle is inspired by the season! Yes, today is the last day of November … tomorrow is December. The holiday season is here! OH My!!! Are you ready to rock n’ roll? Stay steady the course through-out the holiday season? Join with me. Jump on the…

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