Want to eat your Thanksgiving leftovers and “get back on the wagon” at the same time? I realize that the day after is almost, if not more fun, than Thanksgiving Day itself! After all, you’ve been looking forward to that relaxed time when you can curl up with your big-fat-Turkey sandwich! Haven’t you? Goodness knows,…

Did you know that the average Thanksgiving dinner ranges from 2000 to 4500 calories? Did you know that one pound equals 3500 calories? Did you want to gain a pound today? Thanksgiving can be a real challenge for those of us who are watching our waistline, hips and tushes! Here are a few tips that…

Thanksgiving Prayer was created with love by Our Lady of Weight Loss for you. We wish you all delicious things on Thanksgiving Day! Click here for your downloadable Thanksgiving Prayer: ART Thanksgvg prayer.pdf Another fun print-out to take with you and share with your family and friends. Spread the word … NOT the icing! Janice

Hey everyone! Here is a Thanksgiving Calorie Guide.pdf. Something fun and colorful that you can print and take with you on Thanksgiving. Now you can remember not only the calorie count of the various yummy Thanksgiving offerings, but you can also use this printout as an anchor to your healthy living goals! Plus, it’s a…

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