Inspiration and motivation are BIG topics in the Land of Permanent Fat Removal. Aren’t they? People look to Our Lady of Weight Loss and me and ask, “How can I stay motivated?” And Our Lady of Weight Loss answers, “Hey, you brush your teeth everyday, don’t you? Well motivation is an every day event, too.”…

Gems of wisdom from the 500-pound Style Network star who’s on a quest to lose the weight and reclaim her life. Have you all seen Holly Lebowitz Rossi’s interview with Ruby Gettinger! Read on!!! Since she was 10 years old, Ruby Gettinger has struggled with her weight. At one point, she weighed 700 pounds, she…

It is particularly important to go into the ‘light’ during this time of year, when the sun sets earlier and earlier and we are less likely to get out. Too little sun light can activate cravings for fatty, high-calorie foods like cakes, cookies and chips. Lack of sunlight reduces the brain’s production of serotonin, the…

I was recently talking to one of my star coaching clients (each and everyone of you a star in your own way). Betty (the names have been changed to protect the innocent) said, “I know I should fill up on happiness instead of food.”Her comment led to a rich and satisfying conversation about happiness and…

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