We know that obesity is a growing epidemic among adults and children, leading to increases in serious illness including diabetes. For the first time, our children’s life span may be shorter than ours. How frightening is that? And yet, we continue to overfeed our children (and ourselves). Now, I know that you are a smart…

>Are you listening to what I’m saying? Are you reading what I’m writing? Are you picking up what I’m putting down? Because I know I’ve said this before, covered this topic (as have other healthy living gurus), but there is a lot of evidence out there that suggests that y’all have NOT been listening. So…

As my mother loves to say, “Masticate your food!” She’s got great delivery, and always gets a laugh. And she’s got a point. As we chew each mouthful at least 20-25 times, we break down the food into small particles for easy and efficient digestion AND we slow our pace. It takes 20 minutes for…

Keeping Perspective: It’s NOT about your FAT; it’s about YOUR LIFE! Your weight, your diet, your exercise plan is just one slice of your life pie. Permanent weight loss is about living a balanced life. It’s about looking at all areas of your life – health, relationships, finances, career, fun, creativity, spirituality, physical environment –…

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