Holidays are essentially just like any other day. They are filled with their ups, downs, glitches and unexpected happenings.  Whatever your expectations, I invite you to lower them now!!! Here, 10 Lower Your EXPECTATIONS Quotes! #LowerYourExpectations “When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are.” ~ Donald Miller…

This week’s Holiday Puzzled is brought to you by Our Lady of Weight Loss‘s cousin, Our Lady of Extreme Happiness.  OLofEH wants you to know that it is possible to choose happiness.  In fact, you can choose extreme happiness, feelings of elation, euphoria, joy and bliss.  All you need to do is practice gratitude.  You…

Our Lady of Weight Loss insisted that I share her fun holiday idea!  She just loves to type out her favorite holiday quotes in a pretty font.  Then she prints the page, cuts the quotes into strips, and finally, she glues or tapes them onto her holiday cards, gifts, and/or place setting cards.  And then…

Fatigue can whack us upside our heads any time of year, any time of day, especially during the holidays. So much to do. So little time.  Am I right or am I right?  I’m exhausted just thinking about how tired I am!!! What to do?  How can we recharge our batteries, rev our engines, and…

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