Devastation, Hopelessness, FEMA Food and Fat… Three years later. by Janice Taylor, Renegade Weight Loss Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, Author, Columnist, Blogger and 50-pound big-time-loser. (Write Janice for Free Consult) On August 23, 2005, Hurricane Katrina pounded her way through the Gulf. The devastation left many with long-lasting feelings of hopelessness, as their homes and businesses…

Belly Fat Leads to More Belly Fat by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, Author, Columnist and 50-pound big-time-loser. Write Janice for Free Consult! Despite my (successful) diet attempts, healthy lifestyle, prayers and screams, my mid-section has grown a section of its own! YIKES! This weight loss guru can’t have that happen! What…

Try On Health: See how it fits! by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, Author, Columnist, 50-pound big-time-loser. (Write Janice for Free Consultation) Fatty Liver Disease This past week, Kick in the Tush Club member Pat L. wrote me and told me that she has “Fatty Liver.” I was concerned. I care about…

It’s All Good. Or is it? by Janice Taylor, Life & Wellness Coach, Cert. Hypnotist, Author, Columnist and 50-pound big-time-loser. (write Janice for free consult.) It is called the Pygmalion effect and it’s a fact: If you expect the worst, you get it. Thoughts are not just a bunch of insubstantial bits of information that…

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