I read Therese’s Beyond Blue post (re: crying in the office) and responded to it! Here follows my response … particularly important for those who want to weigh-less. If you want to/need to/have to cry, let it out … don’t stuff it down!!!Hey there, Beyond Blue … and Beyond Blue Peeps. FYI – Blue is…

Our Lady of Weight Loss has whispered (and sometimes yelled) at least a gazillion Permanent Fat Removal (a.k.a. weight loss) tips to me as I ‘let go’ of 50 extra pounds on my journey to Sveltesville over these past seven years. The following are the tips she’s re-mentioned just this week. OLofWL thinks it’s important…

Dear OLofWL ~ Yahoo, spring is here. Time to go outside and soak in some rays, and while I understand that overexposure to the sun causes sunburn, wrinkles, freckles, skin texture changes, dilated blood vessels, and skin cancer(s), I STILL CRAVE her and long to sit on the beach (for hours and hours and hours).…

<img alt="ART%20looking%20for%3F.jpg" src="http://blog.beliefnet.com/ourladyofweightloss/ART%20looking%20for%3F.jpg" width="216" height="216" style="float:left;margin7px;" After reading yesterday's blog post "The Answer,” Our Lady of Weight Loss suggested that I create a gift for you. Something that would give you cause to pause, a moment to reflect and ponder the ultimate question … “What Am I Looking For?” As you know, I do what…

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