Today’s GET JIGGY Weight Loss JIGSAW Puzzle was inspired by an amazing quote from Coco Chanel! “Since everything is in our heads, we had better not lose them.” ~ C.C. While that used to be true and still may be for many, I’m thinking the appropriate quote for these hi-Tech days is: “Since everything is…

There are thousands of causes for stress, and one antidote to stress is self-expression. ~ Garson Kanin Stressed out and hungry? When we feel threatened or stressed, our neuroendocrine system kicks into high gear and releases a series of hormones. One of these is Cortisol, which gives us the biochemical strength we need to fight…

                      Today’s GET JIGGY, JigSaw Weight Loss puzzle was inspired by my new juicer! I’ve wanted one for quite sometime and yesterday!  Finally, I purchased one! And then headed straight to the supermarket and bought a ridiculous amount of fruits and vegetables.  Antioxidant Girl now…

Want to hear something funny?  Yes, of course, you do!  And yes, the funny thing will bring us to love, love, love! My brother, whose primary residence is Dublin, told me that when he shared with his Irish friends that we were vacationing together for an extended period (close to one month), their reaction was…

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