Holy Guacamole, Beliefnet peeps, Tushkateers throughout the land and anyone else who has managed to land on this page (consider it divine inspiration)! You CAN win a trip to New York City, land of bright lights, Broadway shows, shopping galore, and OMG so much more! Including ‘me.’  Yup, I live in New York City and…

Journaling is an ancient practice dating back, as far as we can see, to 10th Century Japan. It is a tradition that has been kept alive by teenagers and famous people, alike. And there is mounting evidence that journaling has a positive effect on both our physical and mental well-being. The Many Health Benefits of…

Are you ready to pump your self-love muscle?  Get it in shape, so that you are on auto-self love pilot?  Seriously!  Imagine what would it feel like if you loved yourself every moment of the day!  Not in a crazy over-the-top narcissistic way; just in a kind, compassionate manner. Now, there’s an idea worth exploring. …

Our body image (a.k.a. body esteem) is the picture we have of our physical body.  It is an inner view of our outer self.   It is formed by our awareness, imagination and emotions.  It is ever-shifting.  It changes depending upon what we’ve eaten (cookie vs. orange), seeing the scales of injustice move (up or down).…

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