Our Lady of Weight Loss and I were having a rather deep conversation about survival; exploring and observing how we all have different ways that we’ve developed over the years to navigate life. Some of us become introverts, some extroverts, some hide behind food, some hide behind intellect, some find adaptive ways to move through…

We learn through repetition, which is why I am once again telling you to rid thyself and your home of those red-light, trigger foods. Here follows the nitty gritty of it all; the vital “How It Works” information for you to chew on and learn from. Read this vital information. Take it in on a…

Dearest Devotees of Our Lady of Weight Loss,  Here is a truth (not just a story) about the Moso Bamboo Plant and your weight that will blow the fat cells out of your mind.  Read through, ingest on a cellular level and get back on the wagon, post haste! The moso is a bamboo plant…

Once again, my slow cooker came to the rescue.  Here’s how it went down… …We invited a few friends to come on over for an easy, breezy, informal “hang out.”  (Do people say that any more?) I ran to the supermarket and picked up the following ingredients (see below).  Followed my own instructions.  (I’m not…

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