This week’s Get Jiggy Weight Loss JigSaw Puzzle is inspired by the mysterious, dark and dangerous bat; the perfect Halloween symbol. As you click through this week’s jigsaw puzzle–Dark, Dangerous, Spooktacular Bats–think spooky, scary, anti-sugar thoughts! And then send Dark, Dangerous BATS e-card to a friend! For more Halloween happiness,  join Our Lady of Weight…

This recipe hails from the insanely funny, motivating and smart book:  All Is Forgiven, Move On: Our Lady of Weight Loss’s 101 Fat-Burning Steps on Your Journey to Sveltsville!  The book is chock-a-block with all kinds of good information that can help you to burn fat.  Make this, eat this, be smart, lose weight…Sometimes it’s…

This week I had two rich, fully satisfying and illuminating client conversations about the Inner Child. My inner-child, their inner-child, your inner-child is the divine child that lives within.  She reflects our true self. She is pure; she is beautiful. I suspect your inner-child would like your attention, and she’d like to be set free.…

Many of my clients tell me that they feel as if they are entitled to a treat after a long, hard day at work or a complicated day at home.  They say, “I deserve to have a piece of cake.” The truth is that you deserve way more than a slice of cake, (no, I…

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