Are you familiar with the computer term, GIGO? It means “garbage in, garbage out.” I learned this term from a computer-geek friend of mine who was commenting on my rant on the Britney coverage. My friend said, “Why are you watching that junk? It’s pure GIGO.* You need to clean out your mental junk drawer.”…

faToid It takes the energy from 50 leaves to produce one apple. Are Apples Really Good For You? You bet your Apple Brown Betty they are! Not only are apples good for you, but they are mighty tasty too and may bolster your weight loss efforts. The State University of Rio de Janeiro studied the…

Slip out the back, Jack. Save yourself. Leave the party before the second dessert course. When baking, substitute half the oil required with applesauce! Cut yourself a piece of sheet cake from the middle, where there is less icing! Don’t need to be coy, Roy. Be assertive – ask the waiter to broil your fish…

Guilt is an emotional experience that occurs when a person believes that he or she has violated a moral standard. Oh MY! ALL I did was have a little piece of cake! Guilt a.k.a. Dieter’s Shame is the lack of ability to forgive oneself for an alleged wrongdoing. You have done something (perhaps you ate…

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