Have you ever heard the expression “You are what you eat?” Yes? Well, Our Lady of Weight Loss has a different spin on things. She says, “You are what you say.” Our Lady of Weight Loss wisely points out that you have been embedding negative and/or positive self talk patterns into the deepest parts of…

I’ve gone mad with power, “spiralizing” my way through the kitchen.   Cucumber noodles, zucchini noodles, beet noodles, alike!  I don’t generally endorse products, but I’m having so much fun with the Spiralizer,  the best gadget/kitchen aide that I’ve purchased in eons, that I just had to share the excitement and the vegetable recipes. Because, Our…

Today is National Cousins Day!  In celebration, of Cousins Day, I am dedicating this post to my cousins, who are way more like sisters to me.  I hope that they’ll get a giggle and a kick! I hope you, too, will take a moment to let your cousin(s) know just how much you love and…

How do you measure success? For some people, money is a sign of success; for others success is measured by their accomplishments, their relationships, the amount of happiness (another subjective happening), the deeds and services that they have carried out for others and/or, particularly for those who have serendipitously found their way to Our Lady…

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