Get ready People! Here, today, right NOW, Our Lady of Weight Loss has instructed me to share with you the most amazing, delicious and healthy muffins in the history of Zucchini Carrot Muffins!  Get your ingredients together, preheat, mix, bake and enjoy!  Ingredients: 1 cup whole wheat flour 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking…

Greetings One n’ All,  I spent all day yesterday; yes, every second of the day (no exaggeration), researching, perusing and deciding on what appetizer to make for tonight’s potluck dinner.  There are five of us bringing a variety of dishes.  I was assigned appetizer/hors d’oeuvres.  I have my own criteria when cooking.  Simple. Easy. Simple.…

Greetings Tushkateers, Devotees of Our Lady of Weight Loss,  Last week, we were invited to a dinner party at a friend’s house.  Nice, yes?  Always!!! Most of the time when I ask, “What shall I bring,” my dear, sweet friend smiles and says, “Nothing!!! Bring your happy self.”  Or something like that…you get the idea. …

A friend unexpectedly rolled into town just in time to lunch with us.  It was kind of funny, because lunch was a “happening,” which is seldom the case. Generally speaking, it’s every man-for-himself, catch-as-catch-can, you-are-on-your-own-buddy.  For whatever reason, the mood had hit earlier in the day, and I had a 5 star lunch already to…

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