How far are you willing to go to achieve that which you say you so desperately want? To what length are you willing to go? It may sound extreme, but seriously folks—willingness is powerful! When people (people like you) decide that they are willing to dig deep and do what it takes; to go to…

Our Lady of Weight Loss, the patron saint of permanent fat removal, asked y’all “What do you want? What do you really, really want?” While that sounds like a simple question, it’s not an easy one to answer. People tend to answer by stating what they don’t want. But not you guys! You dug deep…

Given this past winter, I would imagine that you are ready for the big thaw and some spring time romance! As you click through this week’s Get Jiggy WeightLoss JigSaw Click Yourself Thinnish Puzzle, “Springtime Romance,” think loving thoughts and see what could happen! And then…send an e-card to a friend! For more spring time…

Is there anything you might lose as a result of achieving your goal, weight loss or otherwise (other than excess weight)? In other words, are there any reasons (good or otherwise) not to change? Is there something that you fear you will no longer have if you achieve your goal? Are you concerned that your…

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