What is Letting Go?  Letting go is about taking action that results in significant change in your life and/or in the lives of others. It’s about letting go of the status quo. It’s about releasing your “self” in the form of “your story,” real or imagined. Imagine what it might feel like to let go…

The amount of temptation outside the home is enormous. First there’s the office, and the lure of the overflowing bowls of candy in the mailroom, the enticing chocolate chip cookies that your cubicle mate is munching on (rather loudly, I might add), the vending machines that call out your name on the hour every half…

Yesterday afternoon, I decided to try out a new vegan “chicken” dish.  I was so sure that it would be great, that I called a few friends and said, “Come on over for dinner.  I’m making a vegan meal and I promise that it will be, at the very least mediocre.”  We laughed, but in…

What would losing weight give you that you wouldn’t otherwise have? What will losing weight do for you? People say, “My resolution is to lose weight.” To which, I reply? “What will achieving that goal give you and/or do for you?” Whatever your answer may be, continue to ask, “What will achieving _____ do for…

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