Imperfection or perfectionism comes up quite a lot in my work. People tell me that they are perfectionists. I encourage them to strive to be comfortable with imperfection; to see the beauty in flawed. In other words, instead of experiencing imperfection as a shortcoming, a deficiency and/or weakness, why not see it and feel it…

Music is powerful. A true gift that keeps on giving.  Music activates the same feel good center of your brain that food does!  Here, 5 ways that music can positively affect you! 1. Listen to music: Lose weight. (Wow, that was easy!) And … there’s more . . . 2. Fight Off the Common Cold:…

The great teachers tell us that you cannot start seeing or understanding anything when you start with “No.” “Why is that?” you ask. Because… …Starting with “Yes” does not mean that you jump in happily with a perfect 2-foot landing. “Yes” is about acceptance, which means you abandon labels (like lazy), and you attempt to…

Our body image (a.k.a. body esteem) is the picture we have of our physical body. It is an inner view of our outer self. It is formed by our awareness, imagination and emotions. It is ever shifting. Our body esteem not only depends upon our pant size or the number that registers on the “scales…

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