Admittedly, astrology is not my strong suit; reinvention, transformation and permanent fat removal are. However, I can tell you with certainly that tonight’s Solar Eclipse New Moon offers a unique, perhaps once in a lifetime opportunity, to ignite your wheels of change and set them in motion. New Beginnings: The Power of the Eclipse and…

Once upon a time, many fat moons ago, when I was at my heaviest in all possible ways (both body and soul), I took a mid-day break from the madness. Dressed loosely in what could have been characterized as a ‘moo moo,’ I set ‘sail’ across Madison Avenue in search of a steak roll-up. Midway…

This week’s Sunday JigSaw Puzzle entitled “Love Your Inner Chubby Child” was inspired by Our Lady of Weight Loss’s yesterday blog-post. “Fat Daughter: A Punishment from God.” Even though I have permanently removed 50 pounds of excess weight, my inner chubby child still lives within. Here’s to you, Inner Chubby Child! You are my ‘softer’…

Dear Our Lady of Weight Loss ~ My daughter is fat and it is breaking my heart. Please help me to help her lose weight. ~ Parent of Fat Child WARNING: My head is spinning, and it may well explode. Not pretty! This Blogger has this month (and we are only 3/4 of the…

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