Do you believe in God Winks? The dictionary meaning of a God wink is “something taken as evidence that a higher power is at work; a coincidence.” SQuire Rushnell, author of “When God Winks at New Beginnings,” Beliefnet blogger brother, says that a God Wink gives us a “sense of comfort at a time when…

For those of us who love to snuggle in, hunker down and watch a good flick, I’ve got some interesting information to share with you. University of Mississippi researchers found that ‘movie munchers’ ingested 28% more buttered popcorn when watching “Love Story” than those who watched the comedy “Sweet Home Alabama.” (that’s an extra 115…

Generally speaking, I am an optimist. My glass is half full, and I truly live in a state of gratitude for all that I do have. I am a happy person, living the rules of happiness. Nevertheless, I am not a happy idiot. There are some very troubling facts circulating out there about our environment…

This afternoon I stumbled upon an interesting article in the Las Vegas Sun that got me all fired up as it posed the following question: “If gastric bypass saved you money for morbidly obese people to have weight loss surgery, would you suggest they do it?” The article clearly skewed toward “the knife,” listed a…

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