On Father’s Day, what better message to send than a healthy and happy one! Lighten Up with Our Lady of Weight Loss’s Glorious Greetings ~ Spirited and spiritual e-cards! More celebratory days! International Sushi Day: does sushi make us fat? Grill It Up: Eat more; weight less! Healthy Summertime Recipes! Yum, yum and YUM! Spread…

I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like to be Jon or Kate or one of the eight. The amount of milk and bread consumed daily would be enough to put me over the edge, never mind the noise level, or the stress of living your life in a fishbowl. Oh, and…

Would you prefer knowing the truth or living in ignorance? Assuming knowledge is power and ignorance is bliss, which would you prefer – power or bliss? Here follows ‘the truth about Sushi!’ from Janice Taylor, Beliefnet.com Sushi Lover. As far as Sushi goes, I was (was being the operative word here) truly happy living in…

What if this Beliefnet blogger were to tell you that there is a healthy and guilt-free food readily available – sitting in your supermarket – waiting for you – that is more comforting than mac n’ cheese, chocolate pudding, whipped potatoes and pancakes combined? Would you be interested in that? Well, read on and then…

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