Size Matters! In a survey commissioned by the American Institute for Cancer Research, 78% of respondents said that eating certain types of food while avoiding others was more important to their weight loss efforts than eating less food. Wrong! By all means, make healthy choices, but … effective weight loss plans place equal importance on…

dFor those who participated in Earth Hour (and for those who did not) here follows a link to Earth Hour Las Vegas, as well as Earth Hour Kuwait, San Francisco and more! Videos galore!For more green, energy saving ideas …… Grow Your Own. Boost Your Mood.Money Matters: Get the Economy Flowing GREENSix Thinking Hats Diet…

I’ve been hearing a lot of bad buzz about Splenda. “Many body-conscious people opt for artificial sweeteners instead of sugar when they want to satisfy their sweet tooth. Splenda is a common choice. What is Splenda? It’s a mixture of sucralose (or E955 – named by the European Union) and filler (maltodextose and dexose). Sucralose…

David Letterman married his long-time main squeeze Regina Lasko. Will marriage change them? Will all this publicity add stress to their relationship? Janice Taylor, Life & Happiness Coach, has some tips on how to talk it out when you and your partner are stressed to your last nerve. How much stress is appropriate to share…

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