Did you know that saliva and its resident enzymes are serving both to liquefy and break down the food in your mouth, those morsels that you’ve been chewing on? It’s true and it’s a good thing.  Because the longer you keep the food in your mouth, the longer you put off scoffing down, the more…

Today is National Donut Day.   Krispy Kreme and Dunkin Donuts are giving away ‘free’ donuts, but are they really free??? National Donut Day was created by the Salvation Army in 1938 to honor American women who served donuts to soldiers who fought in World War II.  1938 was a long time ago, and while this…

Here follows some very interesting information about your skin, and five (5) ‘natural recipes’ for skin care, guaranteed to help you glow healthy, AND – major weight loss bonus here – if you utilize these recipes at night, after dinner, then your hands, mind and mouth (assuming you’re putting healthy skin paste around it) will…

How Can I Lose Weight???!!? I received an email from a reader inquiring, “Can you give me some pointers on weight loss?” To which I replied, “might you please be more specific?” After all, I could write volumes on the topic, from top to bottom and bottom to top, which I have (two fabulous books…

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