Did you hear about Ireland Hobert-Hoch, the student from Southeast Polk Junior High in Pleasant Hill, Iowa, who refused to get on the scale to have her height and her weight recorded and was promptly sent to the principal’s office? According to the Des Moines Register, as part of the FitnessGram program, Ireland’s class was…

Did you hear? Old Navy is selling plus sized women’s clothing at a significant markup. “What about men’s clothing,” you ask?  No, there’s no mark-up for big men, only for plus-sized women. Gap Inc, its owner, says that the materials used for women are more expensive. I say, “Really, Gap? The materials cost more for…

This morning, I was pondering the concept of accepting reality, letting reality be reality and simply going with the flow vs. stomping my feet, pushing against and fighting the nature of what is, which sent me on a search for “reality.” Here, 12 Reality Quotes that can give pause for thought, bring a smile to…

One thing I know for sure is that You Cannot Hate Yourself Thin.  No, really, you can’t. When you beat yourself up, you create another obstacle, another block, another impediment; another “thing” that gets in your way of weighing less as it weighs you down, down, down. These Self-Imposed Heavy Blocks of fear, stress, inner-pain,…

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