Definition of a victim:  a person to whom life happens. ~ Peter McWilliams Are You a Food Victim???  I hesitate to use the word “victim,” because it is such a strong word. But I’ve just got to ask … are you? a food victim? no? are you sure??? If you think that something or someone…

“People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.” ~ Joseph F. Newton When people ask me what I “do,” I tell them that I build bridges. “Not like The Queensboro Bridge or the Golden Gate Bridge,” I say, “My clients and I, together, build a Creative Bridge that ultimately transforms their dreams into…

Yesterday, when working with one of my clients, I asked her to fill in the blank: “Imagine,” I said, “Imagine that it is the end of the day and you are feeling great…and then fill in the blank. “I am feeling great, because I _____________.” I asked my client to imagine, because imagining is a…

Last Saturday, I was kibitzing with a new friend of mine. Having the “getting-to-know-you” chat. Asking questions like, “How many kids do you have?” “When did you move to Tucson?” You know, the basics. As Peter and I made our passage from New York City to Tucson more or less last year, I was particularly…

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