Being happy takes courage. It can feel scary to imagine good things, to think happy thoughts. I suspect that there have been times in our lives that feeling fantastic, excited and happy to our core was quickly followed by fear. Trepidation washes over you and you think, “If things are good, then bad can’t be…

It’s time to join your favorite Dysfunctional Chef as she cracks open  the summer salad recipe book, isn’t it?  A simple, refreshing, healthy meal in less than 15 minutes sounds ideal to me.  Ready, set, don’t cook! Crisp, Cool and Quick:  Watermelon and Cucumber Salad.  Ingredients: 6 cups watermelon, cut into cubes 1 cup watercress,…

People often tell me that they are trying to control their eating. Control their inclinations, their impulses, their evil ways; their thoughts, their emotions, their actions. They are trying to exercise restraint or direction over; to dominate, to command, to hold in check, curb. Exercising control sounds like a devilishly daunting task, doesn’t it? Here,…

Did you know that crying is an effective way to cleanse the soul; a way to wash out the contained, confined emotions; both happy and sad, joyful and disappointing that sometimes lodge themselves deep within causing fatigue or pain, and sometimes dis-ease? Crying helps us to feel better, whether our challenges and problems persist or…

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