What stops you? What stops you from achieving, from manifesting that which you want? What stops you, gets in your way, weighs you down? Whatever name you put to “it,” “it” is fear: fear of failure, fear of success, fear of disappointment, fear of getting hurt, of rejection, of illness, of death, or life. Today,…

What will you do when you are rich enough, thin enough, smart enough, when you have enough? Seriously, if you are not seeking more, striving, pushing, accumulating, what will you do? I’m guessing, given the culture in which we leave, a society that promotes the pursuit of mo’ money, mo’ power, mo’ accomplishments, mo’ things…

Just the other day, I was talking to a client and sharing the metaphor some of you may have read in my book All Is Forgiven, Move On or heard me speak about on the radio. I thought it worth reviewing today and taking it one step further.  Ready? Good! Have you ever watched an…

Have you ever heard of ART? Not as in art that artists create, or Art as in Art Garfunkel, but rather ART a.k.a. Attention Restoration Theory? ART asserts that people can mull over, chew over, focus and contemplate more keenly and attentively after spending time in nature, or even looking at scenes of nature. It’s…

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