One of the best things you can do for yourself and for everyone around you is to smile. Smiling brings oxygen to your brain, immediately makes you feel better, and sends out comforting messages to others. Smiling pulls people in nice and close. A true smile comes from genuine pleasure. Two sets of facial muscles…

Dig it! The President pays for his own food!!! Did you know that the first family pays for their own foods? True! The first family can pick whatever snacks they want and ask the chef to prepare the foods that they like, and then they will receive a bill at the end of the month.…

BECAUSE, YOU SAID SO!!! Chew on this: Which of the following three sentences is most likely to get you a raise? a. Boss, I’ll quit if I don’t get a raise. b. Boss, I need a raise now, please …[and do dig deep]. c. Boss, I need a raise, because life is expensive and I’m…

At the beginning of the month, when Oprah launched her ‘personal weight loss series,’ I queried my posse – a.k.a. members of the infamous and fabulous Our Lady of Weight Loss’s KICK in the TUSH CLUB – and asked if they had any words of wisdom, comments, thoughts that they would like to share with…

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