Flu (noun): 1: an acute febrile highly contagious viral disease [syn: influenza, grippe] What is the flu and will it kill you? The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It can be mild or severe and at times, it can even lead to death. Statistics show that on average, in the…

The best ever Holiday Weight Loss Tips from Our Lady of Weight Loss, guaranteed to help you slim down while you laugh it up! AND – it’s OLofWL holiday guide.pdf. Print it and carry it with you to each and every party. Take it out and share it! Laugh it up! Slim down! Our Lady…

I queried my posse of nutrition-minded friends. “What IS a calorie?” While most people know what a calorie does – gives us energy, fuels us, and sometimes if we eat enough of them, adds weight to our bodies – they’re not exactly sure how to define it. A calorie is a unit of heat. It…

Under Attack!! Rude Remarks that Ruffle My Feathers by Janice Taylor Every so often, someone says something to me about my newly found thinness that is upsetting and sends me reeling. (Yes, it’s been seven years since I permanently removed over 50 pounds, but it still feels newly found. Until I have lived more years…

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