pony-with-bridleHow many little girls dream of someday having a pony? Millions. And yet, most of these little girls never get the pony. Is that proof that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work?

No, it is just demonstrating that it is not like waving a magic wand to make our dreams come true.

So while Jiminy Cricket might encourage kids to “wish upon a star,” you can coach them in how to apply the Law of Attraction to manifest their hearts’ desires.

The first step is to explain to your daughter that the Law of Attraction works on our basic vibrations.

A good visual about vibrations that works for children of any age is tossing a rock into a pond. The rock represents your child’s feelings and the ripples that are created when the rock hits the water is the vibrations their feelings send out to the Universe.

When we feel sad or angry, then we send out negative vibrations. When we feel happy or even hopeful, we send out ripples of positivity.

If your child wants a pony, then she must send out vibrations that match the joy of having a pony. If she thinks about not having a pony or is sad about not yet having a pony, then she will send out negative ripples which will keep the possibility of a pony away.

Instead, if she visualizes having the pony now and thinks about all the fun she is having with the pony, as well as the love she feels for ponies, then she might actually attract the pony into her life.

Will the pony arrive today? Probably not.

Will the pony definitely come to her? Maybe. Maybe not.

Before you and your daughter think that this thought goes against the Law of Attraction, it is important to remember that the Universe is working out the “how” that matches her emotional vibration, and it does this on its timetable, not ours.

Yes, she might get that pony, but it is unlikely to appear on your doorstep. Remember, this isn’t Fantasyland, and there is no magic wand.

Explain that there are many different scenarios that could come out of this desire. Perhaps she gets an opportunity to work at a stable and ride many different ponies while she earns the money to buy a pony.

Maybe a friend of hers gets two ponies and needs help caring for them. Or she might get a chance to work with a veterinarian because of her love for animals and be surrounded by lots of loving creatures every day.

By focusing on the feelings she associates with having a pony, your daughter opens herself up to getting a pony or other experiences that give her those feelings. At the same time it is quite possible that she will find a career that she will love.

Whether your child wants a pony, a pilot’s license, or a Ph.D., when she focuses on what it feels like to have her heart’s desire before she actually gets it, then she is applying the Law of Attraction, which will always deliver in essence or actuality that which we have asked for.

I would love your comments!

© 2014.  Sharon Ballantine.  All Rights Reserved.


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