
When parents teach their children how to apply the Law of Attraction in their lives, there can often be a focus on the mind and emotions with little regard to taking care of the body. While the LOA reacts to emotions and the vibration that people emit, it is also important to take care of your body in order to create the life that you truly want.

This doesn’t mean that you have to be perfectly healthy, right this minute, in order to use the Law of Attraction and manifest your desires. Everyone has challenges from time to time, including chronic illness or debilitating diseases. Many people successfully apply the Law of Attraction specifically to improve their physical health.

You are a complete system. What happens in your body affects your thinking and emotions and vise versa.

Not sure you believe this statement? Imagine how your body reacts when you stub a toe or smash your thumb with a hammer. It doesn’t feel good, does it?

Have you ever experienced dehydration? Even mild dehydration affects your ability to think and focus, as well as making it harder for your muscles to function as well as they would otherwise.

Similarly, when you eat a lot of unhealthy food or wait too long to eat, your blood sugar levels dramatically shift. This can result in huge emotional swings.

When your thoughts and emotions are clouded by injury, poor food choices, dehydration, or lack of sleep, you are out of vibrational alignment, which means not connected to your wellbeing. This makes it harder for you to tap into your Internal Guidance System and receive clarity. Being out of alignment will actually bring you more opportunities to be out of alignment because the Law of Attraction is reacting to the energy you are emitting.

In order to attract what you want into your life, you want to keep your vibration levels as high as you can. You also want to keep your mental and physical channels of flow open. You can do this by learning to quiet your mind, keep your thoughts focused in a positive way and also by keeping yourself properly fueled and hydrated.

This is not to say that you should force-march your kids into physical fitness. Nor should you take away all treats, even if you know they’re not healthy. While everyone requires basic nutrients to grow and have energy, and we all require physical activity to have optimum health, not everyone will flourish with the same regime.

Of course, you can teach your children about nutrition and how important exercise is to the mind and body. You must also teach your kids to pay attention to their own bodies to see how they react to different foods and activity.

If your son recognizes for himself that he is fuzzy-headed after having too many sodas, he will be more apt to control his soft drink habit than if you restrict it for him. When your daughter notes that she feels more energetic when she exercises regularly, she will tend to be more active. Children tend to gravitate towards activities that feel good to them in the first place.

Tapping into your Internal Guidance System is not just about your emotions. It is about how your entire system feels. When your physical, mental, and emotional systems are working well, then you are stacking the deck in your favor. You are setting the stage to be able to operate at your highest vibrational level and achieve your goals more easily. Being aware of how foods and emotions affect our children’s wellbeing will help them learn how to effectively tap into their Internal Guidance System.

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