Sweet little girl and the red tulipsEach of us has the opportunity to be grateful for much in our lives and being grateful is always a choice and an attitude. We live in varying conditions and lifestyles, but the quality of life we have access to is abundant. And feeling abundant is the key to creating more of it. Perhaps we have an abundance of friends and the social life we want. Maybe we are abundant in health, live in a house we love or have a job that inspires us. Having a certain amount of money or material things can also help us feel abundant.

By practicing being grateful for what we have in our lives, we foster and create feelings of abundance. When we teach our children how to practice gratitude, it serves their growth and how they experience life. Gratitude is a valuable tool, as being grateful creates more things to be grateful for and it can greatly enhance a general sense of wellbeing.

Maybe you don’t feel particularly abundant in a specific area of your life, say financially. If we know there is only a certain amount of money in our bank account, it’s hard to tell ourselves that we have a lot of it. If we focus on all other areas of our life in which we feel abundant; friends, family, love, support, our feelings of gratitude for those things will create abundance everywhere else over time, with practice.

As we practice gratitude, we also inspire it in others, and our kids can inspire the world around them with their attitude of being grateful. Trust in the process of life and trust in the Universe is also reinforced when our kids learn to be grateful, as practice in any process helps us create this trust. Learning the art of being grateful will also strengthen how much abundance they already have in their lives.

You can start teaching your kids gratitude and create an attitude of abundance by:

 ~Demonstrating you are grateful for the blessings in your own life.

~Practicing prayers of gratitude as a daily family ritual.

~Encouraging them to identify what they are grateful for. You can make it a game and take turns telling each other.

~ Helping them recognize their mood can be elevated when they are feeling grateful and the end result will be the uplifting of others.

~Making them aware that their power of focus is greatly improved when they deliberately choose gratitude.

There are so many ways we can use gratefulness to enhance what we live and to create more of what we want. It’s amazing when we see the ripple effect of what we are emanating. Gratitude creates Abundance.

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© 2014.  Sharon Ballantine.  All Rights Reserved.


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