Theater stage vector illustrationIn every person’s life, there is a certain amount of drama and emotional upset. Our children of course are no exception and each child will attract varying degrees of drama. Of my three children, one was extremely mellow, one attracted a little more drama and one loved drama. It was often a dance on how to act with whom and it required practice.

The dramas our children create require a high level of emotional energy. When they’re upset, it can take many forms and may be from the drama they created or from an upsetting life event. Whatever the origin, we want our children to feel supported.

As adults, we often must soothe ourselves when something dramatic happens that has caused us to be upset. Not the case with our kids. We are there to soothe them, which may involve hearing about their latest friendship mishap, comfort them when a pet has died and perhaps solve a personal crisis. The examples will differ but our reaction and support will only be of value to our child when it originates from one place. This is our own alignment, our connectedness to Source, our place of feeling good, which is a high vibrational frequency. The greatest impact we have on our children doesn’t come from what we say, but from how we are feeling, which is the energetic.

 How can we feel good when our child is in crisis? It isn’t easy, it takes practice, it’s absolutely possible, and it’s essential. It isn’t easy because we allow ourselves to become part of the upset either because we can’t help it, or we think our child will feel more supported. It does take practice because it may be our habit to lower our own vibration to match whatever situation we’re in. It is essential because we are only of value to those we love when we are in a higher vibrational frequency than they are.

Here are a few tips to help you when your child is in drama and upset.

1)   Take a deep breath and intend your calm.

2)   Acknowledge and express you’re sorry your child is feeling bad.

3)   Be fully present to what your child is expressing but maintain the focus on how you want them to feel, which is good. Maintain the vision of them being happy.

4)   Offer any guidance or advice you are inspired to offer, and make a deliberate choice to maintain your alignment.

5)   Remember that your goal is for your child to feel supported.

6)   Help your child find a focus that feels better, a distraction, and a better feeling thought.

Most of us have heard the saying “two wrongs don’t make a right.” Well, two low vibrations do not create a high vibration. In order to inspire our kids to a better feeling place, we must maintain our alignment when they are in crisis.

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© 2014.  Sharon Ballantine.  All Rights Reserved.









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