Stones BalanceMost parents have, at one time or another, felt overwhelmed with the demands of parenting. Whether you have one child or several, parenting requires an ongoing stream of mental and physical energy. Our world these days require you to wear a myriad of different hats and play many roles.

Feeling overwhelmed can develop gradually; the pressure building up over time. You may even feel as though things are going smoothly, only to suddenly feel it catch up to your mind and body. Sometimes being task oriented can also temporarily disconnect you from noticing you’re not in wellbeing.

Raising happy, healthy kids will always be your priority, and this requires a dance between all the elements and aspects of what you live.

Each child brings it’s unique personality and needs to you which require your creativity. Your child or children may be involved in an array of activities, which keep you on the go, they may require a lot of attention, or they may simply be going through a stage of not getting along with each other. Each situation will inspire a different aspect of our resourcefulness.

In order to maintain your wellbeing and that of the family, it’s important to have personal balance and ease so you are able to guide and inspire your children.

How do you find ease and balance for yourself?

~Be aware of your limits. Each of us has an Internal Guidance System that makes us aware of these limits by how we are feeling. Feeling bad in any way is a signal that you are approaching this threshold.

~Encourage your children to use their own Internal Guidance System when problem solving. Their feelings will always be their true guide.

~Act on the messages you are being given. When you are feeling exhausted, it will serve you to take the time and the space you need to rejuvenate.

~Regular affirmations that “all is well” will reinforce your sense of wellbeing and increase your trust.

~Maintain your alignment (your joy, connectedness to Source) by regularly engaging in whichever practice brings you peace. This may be meditation, time for you, favorite leisure activities etc.

The secret to our positive parenting influence lies in our own wellbeing, so it’s our responsibility to find ways to maintain it. We can only inspire our kids from our wellbeing as they will only find inspiration from a higher energetic than they find themselves at. Creating and maintaining balance will serve our children, our family and us.

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