Mother's And Kid's Hands In A HeartThe Law of Attraction dictates that you get what you focus on. If you think the world is a bad place, you will experience things that support that belief. If you choose to focus on the positive aspects around you, your experiences will support that. This very basic premise can have a profound impact on you as a parent and your children.

Why is it important for parents to be aware of the Law of Attraction and understand how to apply it in their lives?

Every thought you have exists on a vibrational level. You are a being of energy and you are constantly sending out these vibrations.

You also receive vibrations and attract people and events into your life that are in alignment (a match) with the vibrations you are sending out.

If your predominant thoughts are fear-based, then you will be sending out that energy to the world and to your children.

You will attract events and people that align with that fear-based energy into your life. Not only will you have more scary experiences, your children will unconsciously pick up on this energy and they will be fearful as well.

To raise happy, healthy, loving children, you must learn to be in alignment with the vibration of feeling happy, which will attract all that is wanted.

The first step is to pay attention to how you are feeling. As you see different situations in the world, how do you feel whether you agree with them or not? If you discover that you have a fearful or angry reaction, you must decide if that is what you want to attract into your life.

Some people have had a lot of experience in thinking about or feeling things in a negative way. You can see more of what makes them angry or sad, and less of the things that bring them joy and peace.

Changing this pattern of thinking takes practice, but it can be done. In time, you can develop new pathways in your brain and your overall view will be one that feels good.

When you have a positive outlook on life, your children will unconsciously pick up on that energy.

Even as you develop this new skill at looking at the world through a positive perspective, you are teaching your children positivity as well. Learning how to apply the Law of Attraction and shift your energy towards love and away from fear is one of the most important things a parent can do — for themselves and their children.

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