Parenting on Purpose

  Modern technology has become a normal part of our every day lives. Our children use it at school and many of our homes have the newest technology available from computers to video games.  Young children are given cell phones and tablets sometimes before first grade. We give our kids the means to keep in…

How many little girls dream of someday having a pony? Millions. And yet, most of these little girls never get the pony. Is that proof that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work? No, it is just demonstrating that it is not like waving a magic wand to make our dreams come true. So while Jiminy…

Peer pressure is something all of our children have the potential to be influenced by. This can be particularly true once they reach their teens. As parents, we hope our kids won’t succumb to pressures to be or do things that don’t serve them, but the reality is that teens want to fit in with…

Have you ever slipped into the idea that your emotions are either good or bad? It is often easy to embrace “positive” emotions while pushing against the “negative” emotions in yourself and others. You can actually learn from your children when they are very young that there are no bad emotions. They come into the…

  One of the challenges parents have in raising kids is finding the balance in life. Often, with the pressures that are placed on us at work and on our children at school, it’s easy to forget that life is supposed to be fun. Rather than only focusing on responsibilities, you can also teach your…

I think most parents’ value when their kids will share information with them, such as what they find important and what they desire. I know I do. But there was a period of time when my children weren’t interested in sharing themselves with me, or even talking about the time of day. For the most…

Is it possible to be a friend to your children? While you will always be a parent to your children, at some point in their lives, you hopefully will also be a friend. Sometimes you will be both. If you envision friendship and parenthood as a teeter-totter, sometimes the balance will tip towards friendship and…

Most parents find that as their children grow into middle school and teenage years, they want to spend less time with them and more time with their friends. While you want your kids to be independent and have an active, fun-filled life, it can feel like you are being abandoned. You could also feel you…

I have noticed lately that many adults around me don’t know how, or feel embarrassed about asking for help. It’s my belief that these adults didn’t suddenly unlearn how to ask for help, they were probably never taught as kids.   Think about how important it is to ask for help. We can’t possibly know…

As the daughter of a Law of Attraction life coach, (I am the middle child of three, currently 23 years old) I have been bountifully equipped with the proper tools to attract, create and maintain the life path that I want. For me, one of most prominent, or daily, elements of the Law of Attraction…

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