Parenting on Purpose

It’s easy for all of us to do things out of habit rather than thinking about our actions. Whether you want to or not, you teach your children all sorts of lessons that will also help them to develop habits. Therefore, one of the most important things parents can do as teachers is to coach…

  Most of us go through life doing our best to manage all of the noise and distractions that are present in our jobs, at home and out in the world. It can truly be an activity in not losing our minds. Our world is buzzing with business, people and tasks that require our attention. …

Authoritarian parenting is an easy trap for anyone to fall into. For many people, it’s how they were raised and so it comes naturally to them. Even when you have the intention of being different from your parents, you will often hear your parents’ words coming out of your mouth — the very words you…

   Our own wellbeing and the wellbeing of our children is generally a top priority in each parent’s life. We want to feel like our lives are filled with joy and we want our children to be joyous.  However, we cannot feel joy and inspire it in our children if we spend time being fearful.…

As a parent, you like to help your children. You want to see to it that they do not make the same mistakes you did, or new mistakes if you can stop them. With the best of intentions, you attempt to fix situations, thinking you can make your children’s lives better. Today, experts believe that…

All successful relationships revolve around some form of communication. This communication may come in what we speak, or non-verbally in what we are emitting with our feelings and also in our actions. With whatever form of communication we choose, most people will be able to tell how we’re feeling. With regards to our children and…

  Freedom is something that people desire to have in their lives. We come into this life knowing we are free at our soul level. This freedom is meant to be experienced as the full expression to create what we want and live our highest path. As parents, we watch our babies and our young…

It is important that you teach your children to be selfish. On the surface, this goes against what so many people believe you should be teaching your kids. You still want them to care about others, to be giving, and to share with others, right? So why would you want to teach your children to…

   What defines “normal?” It seems to be a word that can cause us a certain amount of stress, especially if we are parents. Is normal what most kids are being, doing or having? Who decides? Normal seems to be our cultural stamp of approval, and what if our children don’t fit into this standard…

Who enjoys a nagging parent? Your kids certainly don’t, and even though they might think you enjoy nagging them, you actually dislike it as much as they do. Who relishes the idea of constantly pushing kids to do their homework or to clean up their room? No one that I know, that’s for sure, it’s…

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