What do you see when you look at this picture of Pope Benedict XVI?
Pope horns.jpg
I swear I didn’t get it, and had to ask for help. But Catholics with more sensitive (or suspicious) eyeballs saw Devil’s horns on the pope’s head–created by the shirt collar of the man behind Benedict. Apparently there was such outrage that amNew York, which published the shot during the pontiff’s US visit last April–yes, this is still making its way around the web, and just dropped through my transom–had to issue an apology, as you see here:
Pope in amNewYork.jpg
The black-and-white version is less distinct, to me, but some saw it as a shot at the Pope and Catholicism.
Hey, maybe I’m not suspicious enough. Or I’m too busy looking for Jesus in a Cheeto.
Jesus Cheeto.jpg

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