The short answer is, Yes, finally. The somewhat longer answer, as I detail in this cover story for America magazine, “A Literate Church: The State of Catholic Bible Study Today,” is “Yes–but they’re not doing it enough.” Check it out, let me know of any Bible study stories you have–successful, or not. No better season…

I haven’t posted for much of the past week, thanks to various plagues running through the house (Toddler=Petri Dish) and a family visit to New Orleans. I was hoping to post from there, but family visits being what they are… It was encouraging to see the French Quarter and the trendy neighborhoods doing weel–apparently. Lots…

Answered prayer. Just came across this–the perfect Christmas gift for my daughter AND the perfect solution to the vocations crisis: My Mass Kit, the “flagship product” from a new Catholic toy company called Wee Believers™. According to the website, “Children will enjoy ‘playing Mass’ using this kit as a part of their playtime activities at…

The focus of much of the Catholic right’s doomsday prophesying about Barack Obama, a.k.a. the anti-Christ (see Stafford, Cardinal Francis, et al) has been about the inevitability of Obama signing the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), which would enshrine Roe into federal law and make abortion-on-demand part of a mandated kindergarten curriculum and push the…

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