…That’s the doubt angry conservatives are trying to sow as a way to undermine the CCHD, the principal anti-poverty program of the U.S. bishops conference, and the Roman Catholic Church in America. Among the harshest critics are some bishops themselves, though a group oddly named “Laity for Life” (they apparently find poverty pro-life, at least…

That’s the pontiff’s message, delivered last weekend to a meeting of the Vatican’s department on the laity. Via CNS: “In a special way, I reaffirm the necessity and urgency of the evangelical formation and pastoral accompaniment of a new generation of Catholics involved in politics, that they would be coherent with their professed faith,” morally…

…But still not enough of us, or often enough. The tools are there, even if the recent Synod on the Word in Rome didn’t deploy them. Here’s a Wall Street Journal piece I wrote for last Friday’s paper that may help: “…A funny thing happened on the way to modernity: The Catholic Church opened itself…

Yes, after the hullaballo over the “Jesus Cheeto,” we now have Christ in the crust–French Toast crust, that is. Read on… Troy Eckonen was eating breakfast at Mack’s Cafe in Pompano Beach last Tuesday when he spotted Jesus’ face on his last piece of French toast. After studying the toast Eckonen says he and friends…

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