Father Newman (see below) may have at least one big gun on his side, rhetorically if not canonically or theologically. According to the student newspaper of Catholic University of America, Cardinal Francis Stafford, a longtime American in the Roman Curia, on Thursday night painted an apocalytpic picture of the America he sees in the wake…

The public letter by a Greenville, SC, pastor, Father Jay Scott Newman, saying those who voted for Obama should go to confession if they are to receive communion, has been repudiated by the adminstrator of the Diocese of Charleston. (The diocese covers the entire state, and is between bishops.) Father Newman seems to have put…

So we move from the Top Ten Religion blogs compiled for the mega-aggregator, Blogs.com, to the Top Ten specifically Catholic blogs… I excluded Pontifications, which I thought a supreme act of humility. But I am willing to be contradicted. Also, suggestions for additions/substitutions from this list? Top 10 Catholic Blogs dotCommonweal Catholic News Service America…

Father Jay Scott Newman, pastor of St. Mary Catholic Church in Greenville, SC, wasn’t waiting for the bishops to figure out what they should do. He sent a letter to his parishioners telling them that if they voted for Obama (“Barack Hussein Obama,” as he makes sure to note) they should not receive communion. In…

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