Mark Wahlberg is a movie star, producer of the HBO series “Entourage,” and a Catholic, and fame and faith seem to overlap–even at Mass. “I go to church and people ask me if they can be on ‘Entourage,’ what’s gonna happen. I go to church to worship, I don’t go to church to talk about…

The Chicago priest, novelist, sociologist, newspaper columnist, friend of importunate Catholic writers like me and many others, remains in critical but stable condition at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge. Father Greeley fell and fractured his skull last Friday in a mishap getting out of a cab. Family and friends were keeping a vigil…

Want to be converted? Want to convert your opponents? Or just want to hear some sensible and profound discussion on faith and reason and whether belief–or unbelief–is right? Then check out this Beliefnet “blogalogue” between the distinguished Catholic theologian Michael Novak and the equally distinguished journalist (and skeptic) Heather MacDonald. (Novak has journalistic cred, too,…

Maryknoll priest Fr. Roy Bourgeois faces excommunication, according to the CDF. NCR has the story, based on a letter Bourgeois sent to the Vatican. According to Bourgeois’ letter, which is dated Nov. 7, the congregation has given the priest 30 days to recant his “belief and public statements that support the ordination of women in…

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