Beliefnet’s own Gus diZerega, author of “A Pagan’s Blog,” has a very thoughtful (he’s nicer than I am, that is) response to my post below on Starhawk calling on Pope Benedict XVI to apologize for the church’s persecution of witches. In his post, “Starhawk and the Pope,” diZerega sets out the historical and present-day landscape of…

His speech at the Jesuit university today on the economy (he is speaking as I write) evokes the themes of personal responsibility and the similarly “old-fashioned”–dare I say conservative?–values that he has reiterated since his inauguration. (It has been an interesting shift, his campaign rhetoric of hope–which was often derided as shallow–to the governing language of responsibility. It…

She demands: Apologize or…Well, not sure what the stick is, but I wouldn’t want to find out. Starhawk, one of the nation’s most prominent advocates for Wicca, the modern-day reincarnation of neo-paganism, has an “On Faith” column at the WaPo today calling on Benedict XVI to apologize to witches. (I want to know how you get…

At another U.S. parish, this time in Vermont, there is rejoicing over the dramatic and traumatic conclusion of the hostage ship captain held for five days by Somali priates. Richard Phillips (at right, with the captain of the USS Bainbridge) was rescued unharmed as three of the four priates were shot and killed by Navy…

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