The Jewish sages of 2000 years ago asked, “Who is Rich?” And they had very interesting answers to this question – some which may surprise you – but may also help you imagine a new way to think about your relationship with money and the the positive ways that you can earn, spend, and use…

Jewish prayer can be difficult for many people — because of the Hebrew language barrier and long worship gatherings that seem repetitive and irrelevant to people’s daily lives. I understand this tension and I am going to offer three new steps so that you can, no matter what your starting point, find your voice in…

Passover is about stories and questions and lends itself naturally to the core teachings of Positive Judaism. The same strengths and values displayed by the Israelites in the ancient day are the very same strengths that we can draw on today to lead positive lives. Enjoy this 7-Step Seder that draws upon the traditional Haggadah…

There is a comical story about the first Jewish President of the United States who calls his mother and invites her over for Passover. Characteristically, his mother immediately begins complaining. “Oye, I’ll need to book a flight and it’s going to cost so much – it is just too much of a bother.” “Mom, I’m…

For 20 years, the field of Positive Psychology has conducted longitudinal studies on human behavior, achievement, and character strengths. Today, the tenets of Positive Psychology are the heartbeat of professional coaching, leadership, behavior modification, and self-help. The popularity in human development on resilience, optimism, well-being and happiness, all stem from the field of Positive Psychology.…

Dear Reader, As a congregational rabbi, author, and public speaker, I meet a huge range of people and I am brought into daily contact with great joys and deep pain. Over the years of my life and my career, I’ve often wondered, what makes the difference between a flourishing life and a depressed life? I’ve…

Dear Readers, The BBC recently ran a story asking, “Is religion relevant anymore?” You might say “yes” by the declining numbers in synagogue affiliation – fewer Jews in the pews. To be relevant, religion must be helpful to people’s real lives. In 2018, most agree that life is complex and challenging and so we need…

Dear Reader, My belief is that Judaism and Positive Psychology make the perfect pairing. Both are focused on living a life of meaning and achieving higher levels of well-being. Living a Positively Jewish Life will not only guide people to be more confident, optimistic, open to diversity, and able to learn lessons from hardship, but…

Dear Reader, I am pleased to welcome you to Positive Judaism – a new vision for those that are serious about improving their individual lives, their families, and their communities through spiritual living. As a rabbi, I’ve witnessed in the lives of many a deep commitment to Jewish identity but the struggle at times to…

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