On June 30th, Pfc. Bowe R. Bergdahl was captured by the Taliban from the Paktika province in southeastern Afghanistan. Bergdahl has comrades, family–including a girlfriend he hopes to marry and friends who are all praying for his safe return. Please join us in prayer for Bergdahl’s safe return back to his comrades and his family.

Heavenly Father,

Please make haste to help and make speed to save Pfc. Bowe R. Bergdahl, a soldier who went overseas to fight for his country. In this time of uncertainty, while fear has struck his heart because of the uncertainty of his situation, please reveal your perfect love which casts out all fear. Protect him from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet so that his captors may not harm him. May your presence be known in the places that they take him to so much so that they will be consumed and will release him. Empower all of his family, friends, fellow soldiers, military supporters, government, and people around the world to send prayers and positive thoughts to him. Let us all be encouraged to continually be in prayer for this young man and all the young men and women who consider it not robbery to serve their country. 

In Jesus Name,


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