I am beginning a prayer experiment today.  You’re welcome to join me. 


I read again this week Jesus’ story in Luke’s gospel (chapter 18) about a widow who comes to a judge asking for justice. The judge – who is anything but just – ignores her pleas. But she persists, refusing to take no for an answer.  Eventually the judge grows tired of her nagging and grants her request. Jesus says we should pray to God for justice as this woman appealed to the judge – never giving up!  If the judge who was not just responds to persistence, how much more will God respond when we persist asking him to execute justice on our behalf?  I decided to try it.


In the Old Testament God said that thieves were required t to pay back twice, and in some cases seven times, what they stole.  This is justice for a wrong suffered to. The  principle still stands.  If my enemy has unjustly taken something from me, I can bring my case to God and ask for justice.  Jesus says God will answer.  If the enemy has stolen health, provision, relationships, or peace of mind, God promises to hear the matter and deliver justice to your case, giving double for what the thief has stolen. Mmmm. But I have to bring the case!


So I am running my life through an audit.  I’m checking to see where I have lost value, where I have been wronged or cheated and I am asking god to intervene and recover the loss.  I’ll tell you more specifics tomorrow.


Has something been unjustly taken from you? God is on your side. Instead of seeking your own restitution and exacting repayment on your own strength, consider releasing the case to God through prayer.  Give him the freedom to act.  This is the Biblical process of forgiveness.  Turn the case over into God’s hands and then ask him to bring about justice on your behalf.


How?  Here are five steps of prayer if you have suffered unjustly:

  1. Thank God for his justice and for his commitment to defend what is right.
  2. Acknowledge that you have been unjustly treated, and name the details to God.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 &nbsp
  3. Give God your right to justice and release to him the responsibility to fix things.
  4. Ask him to bring to you a just settlement in this matter.
  5. Thank him ahead of time for his fairness and mercy.




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