Does it ever seem as if God speaks in riddles? Do you ever wonder why he doesn’t just come out and write words across the sky for us? In Nine Ways God Always Speaks, we wonder too, and we speculate on God’s answer:

God is so much bigger and more amazing than we can comprehend, therefore, it’s no wonder his messages to us would be also be more amazing than we can comprehend. That’s why his messages feel like teasers, like puzzles missing a few hundred pieces. At the time we receive his message, it seems as though we can’t quite wrap our brain around the whole picture. God’s messages might initially seem confusing, but it’s not his intention to keep us in the dark.

Maybe the messages seem incomplete so that we’ll invest ourselves in understanding them.

To ponder their meaning.

To reflect.

To learn more about their source.

God uses incomplete communication to tease us into a relationship where he can reveal even more.

When we have sincere doubts about what we’ve heard, (or think we’ve heard), God will often confirm his message.

Especially, if we ask him to clarify it.

It may not be instantly comprehensible, but over time the photograph develops.

Do any of God’s messages to you seem “incomplete?” Do you ever feel like God “teases” you with his voice, but never comes out and makes the message clear? Have you gone back to ask for clarity, for more, for more of God?


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